Wednesday, December 1, 2010

READ IT: "The Corpse Had a Familiar Face" by Edna Buchanan

It might be the personal way that Buchanan talks to the reader or it might be the indepth details that she gives to her stories. Either way, Enda Buchanan's book The Corpse Had A Familiar Face is practically impossible to put down.

It may sound like just another book about Crime in Miami but the way Buchanan covers the journalism seen in the Miami of her time makes the reader think about a little bit more than just crime.

Being a Journalist is harder than it seems. At least it was for Buchanan. In her book she covers how she was constantly at different crime sceens that might not have considered appropriate for a woman reporter at that time to have been attending. Or how she constantly was chasing after one story or another.

"I often joke that my job keeps me single and celebate" She states in one chapter. It's a hard job that you have to have the right passion for.

Buchanana's book also encourages the reader to never give up. She describes how she has always been very persistant. Whether it was trying to get the reporting job she wanted or if it was to help solve a missing person's report she was always on the look out.

"I fee haunted by the restless souls of those whose killers walk free" she states at the beginning of the book.

Not all good guys are good and not all bad guys are bad. Cops can be charged with rape and murder just like any other guy. A man running from the law might also be a loveing father and husband. It is these different perspectives that give Buchanan's writing a fresh outlook on things.

Read More about Edna!
check out her website:

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