Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Morning Glory" Might Really Brighten Up Your Day.

With a very catchy soundtrack and characters that will keep you on your toes with entertainment, "Morning Glory" is a great take on media journalism.

The show will capture your attention from the first moment you meet the main character Becky, played by Rachel McAdams. A plucky young deteremened woman who is set on being a broadcasting editor. Her character depicts many of the realities that might be involved in such a job. Having no husband, kids, or a boyfriend, her job is literally her world.

 Curious If you should go see morning glory?
Check out the review on rotten tomatoes:

The show does kind of give a misconception that news media is boring. By having the television morning show that Becky is trying to keep from going under characterizes news media, specifically daily morning shows, as being a more suburban house wife show that many might consider boring.

Despite this the movie does bring up a good contrast between "News" and ""Media". Being that the argument for part of the movie depicts Mike, Harrison Ford, as a grumpy old news journalist who now feels that his new role in media journalism is beneath him.

The movie follows the journey of both Beth and Mike and her pursuit of proving to him that journalism media is still news worth reporting.

It may not change your entire perspective on journalism or news media. But it might very well give you a higher respect for those who are in the media business and strive to make it better.

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