Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to feel like a failure 101

I have officially done horribly crappy in school. I could blame it on being confused as to what I really wanted to accomplish with my life or I could blame it on the many different distractions that come with college (Men, Dancing, Friends, etc. ) or I could just man up and admit that I am just a lazy failure and need to get my butt in gear with things.

I withdrew from all my English credits due to the decision of no longer wanting to be an English major and am going to be re-applying to the college of business after this summer. This means that I'll be spending my summer taking summer classes at OSU.

As far as what I actually want to do with my life.....well One thing I have learned this year is that I have found my passion in dancing...probably twice as strong as my passion for reading has ever been. I think I want to start a dance program for elementary and middle schools AND maybe have my own dance studio. This is why I've decided to switch to Business with a possible option in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. We shall see.....Maybe I can be less of a failure and actually do something with my found talent.

Something I have to remember is that I Can Do anything I put my mind to which means that literally ANYTHING is possible.

1 comment:

  1. You, miss, will never be a failure. Pursuing a dream will never lead you down the wrong path (unless your dream is to become a drug kingpin and meth addict, in which case you may need to rethink your life goals).

    Anyway, it's exciting to know what you want to do with your life, no? :D I'm glad you found something you actually enjoy doing! :* (Dinner soon?)
